Thursday, October 27, 2011

Rick Perry's Fringe Views on Gay Marriage and Gay Rights

Many political candidates are more focused on satisfying the social conservatives of their party rather than expressing their true views. Because the Republican candidates are so focused on this, they are out of touch with Americans  and their rapidly changing views of gay marriage and writes. The writer criticizes Perry's rejection of gays and lesbians, calling it "intolerant." He feels that a candidate for a political position can not be "behind the curve on this issue" as it affects the views of voters.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Possibilities to Defeat Anti-Marriage Amendment in Minnesota

At a press conference, prominent Republicans join the coalition to defeat the anti-marriage amendment in addition to 4 other political parties. These Republicans are saying that they believe that there is nothing that would justify a marriage ban in the Constitution and that the government cannot define marriage as strictly between a man and a woman. According to Leah Soto, this press conference has cemented the idea that this campaign is growing to include people in all of Minnesota.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Same-Sex Marriage Debate

Supporters of same-sex marriage not only want to uphold the principle of nondiscrimination, but also point out that homosexual couples do not have the same basic legal rights that are enjoyed by married couples, including health benefits and hospital visitation rights. People who oppose same-sex marriage claim that allowing this marriage would radically redefine and weaken marriage. Polls show that those with a higher frequency of church attendance oppose this marriage by a substantial amount. The general public does, however, support civil unions more than marriage, which grants most of the same legal rights without the title.