Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sugar Should Be Regulated As Toxin, Researchers Say

Researchers feel that all food and drinks that include sugar should be regulated, in ways such as taxation, banning sales near schools, or placing age limits on purchase. In the United States, more than two thirds of the population is overweight and half of them are obese. "About 75 percent of U.S. health care dollars are spent on diet-related diseases." Americans consume an average of 40 teaspoons of added sugar each day, and this causes a plethora of problems. Economists debate whether consumer taxes are the best way to curb sugar consumption, because it should be taxed at its manufacturer level. This would give companies incentive to use less sugar in their products. Some researches do not believe that sugar is really problem, but that either saturated fats, highly processed products with simple carbohydrates, or a lack of physical exercise are the root cause of obesity and chronic disease.

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