Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sugar should be regulated like alcohol, tobacco, commentary says

This CBS article notes on whether the government should regulate sugar like alcohol and tobacco. It is claimed that sugar is as toxic to your body as alcohol and tobacco, so the government should act towards it in a similar way. Over the past 50 years, sugar consumption has tripled and this has contributed to the "obesity epidemic" that our world is experiencing. Sugar is considered "toxic" because it increases disease risk from factors other than calories and that it is unavoidable, has the potential for abuse, and acts on the same areas of the brain as alcohol and tobacco to "encourage subsequent intake." Lustig claims that "we cannot do it on our own because sugar is addictive." The Sugar Association disputes some of the statistics presented and the American Beverage Association adds that to attribute the huge rise in obesity to a single ingredient is an oversimplification.

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